Sunday, April 26, 2009

SaaS design patterns

I've been working with SaaS architecture now for 5 years and I can say that there are several things that have stood out as working well and other things that have not worked so well. This next series of posts I intend to go over some of the design patterns that I've worked with and my thoughts on them.

I'm calling the series SaaS Enterprise Patterns and I'll be giving lectures on these as well.

Monday, December 24, 2007

namespace issues in the collection editor

The CollectionEditor has a nice little quirk that took me some time to figure out. If you are using the default CollectionEditor in .net for objects that don't have a 'Name' property. The collection editor will instead put the fully qualified namespace of the object instead. This was causing me to see very long names in the CollectionEditor instead of the actual name of the control.

So in .net with the CollectionEditor, if you aren't seeing the right name come up in the left pane, then you just need to add a 'Name' property to your object and all will be well.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

fishhook lists

how do you represent hierarchial data in a flat list? The answer is a fishhook list. A fishhook list is a flat list of items that all have parent element in them. The parent elements point to other items in the list that are their parents. Thus creating hierarchial structures.

why do I bother to mention this? becuase today I got to look at a major enterprise application from a major application vendor where some einstien created about 50 hierarchial tables to represent the maximum number of levels he thought his program would need. This was an insane hack that was completely unnecessary. A fishhook list is all you need.

enumerations and the design time experience

I get this question a lot

My control has an enum declared but fequently I get an error message like "The variable 'yourenumtypehere' is either undeclared or was never assigned." that blows out my control from the design surface. Why?

Doing lots of .net GUI controls you start to learn a few things. One of the thing's I've found over time is that the designer HATES enumerations that are declared inside classes. For some reason it serializes at times and doesn't at other times. Therefore, to fix this, simply delcare your enumerations outside any class in the namespace.

for example

namespace MyNameSpace
// good enum declaration
public enum GoodEnum

public class TestClass
public enum BadEnum

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

weak reference hell

One of my pet peeves about c# has to do with delegates and events. While they are absolutely wonderful, they also present some challenges. Recently, I was tasked with cleaning up the numerous memory leaks in one of our enterprise applications.

I made the initial pass through cleaning up GUI resources (first place to look) then I started into memory leakage. Bottom line was that we had a LOT.

One of the primary sources for this problem was weak reference events. Basically when you subscribe to an event but don't unsubscribe from the event from an object that stays in memory, then you basically keep that object in memory forever (or until the parent object goes away).

The real kicker though is that there is no easy way to unsubscribe from the event. The only way to unsubscribe is to keep a reference to the original event handler instance that you created when you subscribed.

for instance, say ParentObject wants to subscribe to the KeyPress event of ChildObject. Parent object must have

private KeyPressEventHandler _KeyPressEventHandler;

you subscribe to the event here

_KeyPressEventHandler = new KeyPressEventHandler(tb_KeyPress);
control.KeyPress += _KeyPressEventHandler;

to unsubscribe to the event you do this

control.KeyPress -= _KeyPressEventHandler;

without the unsubscribe, the ChildObject will never exit memory.

now as common as this is and the amount of trouble you have to go through to fix this it would have been nice if the original designers of .net languages would have allows us to simply -= from the event without having to store the signature of the call in the first place.

Weak references are probably the #1 problem of memory leaks in .net.

Monday, July 26, 2004

difficult optimizations .net

Recently I read a brain twister on about how to tell which ball (out of 12) was not the same weight as the other balls.  You had to do this in no more than 3 measurements.  Obviously, divide and conquer wasn't going to work for this scenario so I started looking at other solutions.  After spending more than 30 minutes trying to divine a global way of solving this riddle I realized the solution wasn't an all encompassing master solution.  The solution was to break it down into many subsets and solve those problems.  Have a strategy for each possibility.  It took me a little while but eventually I was able to cover every possible position of the odd ball.

I got to thinking about this and realized that this is a metaphor for difficult optimization.  The best solution is almost always one where you can speed things up with the most minimal code and architecture change.  However, if your unable to do this, you can still achieve your goals by breaking the problem down and fixing it at the pain points. 

Recently while authoring my Glacial TreeList I ran across some serious speed problems.  After instrumenting much of the control I found that the problem wasn't in one single place but in many places.  I had to fight serious disappointment as doubt about whether this control was feasable as a purely .net written control washed over me.  Since there were many problem areas, I decided to tackle the problems one step at a time.  When it was all said and done, my control was faster than even I had possibly hoped as I loaded 1 million nodes into the treelist in about 1.2 seconds.  The .net treeview can't handle more than 10k nodes without coughing up a huge hairball.  As follows are some notes I made while optimizing.

Some notes:

One thing I found early on (and that was quite disappointing) is that the performance difference between ArrayList and CollectionBase on the IndexOf function is staggering.  IndexOf in ArrayList with around 1 million nodes is quite a bit faster than that of CollectionBase.  This is a shame as I like to use CollectionBase to create typed collections. 

If you put X number of objects of size W where X*W>[Physical Memory] then you are in for a world of pain.  For whatever reason, most of the collection classes in .net will cause the virtual memory to thrash at about the speed of a 386/33.  While I realize that this scenario is %99 unlikely in most situations, the fact that it crops up depending on how much physical RAM you have bothers me a great deal.  It is for this reason that I am considering a high performance list class as one of my near next projects. 

For next seems to be an order of magnitude faster than foreach (wtf).  I don't know why this is, but going through and setting all my iterations to for next's yielded quite a bit of speed improvements.

Fishhook lists suck when your node count gets high and everything is in memory (as opposed to fishhook lists in a DB).  If you have a hierarchial set of data (nodes in this case) but you want to display them in a flat layout while preserving the ease of moving nodes to different branches a fishhook list is the thing to use.  Since every set of 'nodes' is just a collection of every node that has a Parent member to that node then moving nodes and navigation is a breeze.  However, the benefits of this type of construct soon fall away if you have 100k+ items.  the problem is that you have to iterate the entire list every time you want to pull all the 'children' of a given node.

I'll post more on various optimizations later.  I need sleep now.

Friday, July 23, 2004

practical object communications technologies

Over the years, technologies for object communications have evolved.  I remember in the early days when everything was basically raw socket based where you sent and received msgs then decoded the binary.  We have come a long way since those dark days.

The first technologies for object communication I became aware of were Corba and COM.  COM was an excellent first step IMO as it allowed for both inproc and out of proc communications.  With COM you could create an object, publish the object and consume it quickly without having to get into the nasty details of socket communications.  The downside was that COM could land you in DLL HELL quickly and DCOM was almost universally reviled for its difficulty of installation and use.

With .Net, MS introduced remoting.  Remoting is an excellent way of connecting objects both locally and from across the planet.  Remoting however didn't always scale very well and was mostly ignored by people creating INPROC object associations.  The downside to this is that many programmers have reverted back to the path of least resistance or 'spaghetti coding' where objects aren't so clearly defined (one of the benefits the old COM technology had forced on programmers).  Remoting is a great technology for object communications.

Now, as Microsoft begins to push for the new Service Oriented Architectures, yet another sea change is in the offing.  Web services which became much easier to author with .net and now heavily upgraded in WSE 2.0 have become the object technology of choice.  With Indigo on the horizon which MS has stated will closely follow WSE 2.0 in implementation, we now have a new technology to work with. 

I have begun to dig into WSE 2.0 and I must say I am impressed with it's abilities.  Calling WSE 2.0 pure web services isn't even really correct as it is more a messaging system that can handle different types of transport and routing.  I will be posting a lot more information on WSE 2.0 and SOA architectures in this space as I work more with these concepts/technologies.

My impressions of WSE 2.0 in the Enterprise space are nothing but positive so far.  I believe SOA designs will greatly enhance the ability of enterprises to maintain their corporate business rules and intranets.  By black boxing services, we may move back to a more implementation agnostic way of communicating within a business entity.  It will take much longer for enterprises to communicate with each other I believe simply due to security fears.

I do have some reservations about the object communication direction MS is taking in WSE 2.0 as it seems very much geared towards the enterprise.  I am concerned about this in so much as most of the applications written on the PC are not enterprise and I hate to see technologies split up with the enterprise going in one direction and everyone else in another.  What are average applications programmers that need to do simple connections going to use?  My guess is remoting will stay around for a while to service those needs, but frankly nobody likes to use deprecated systems.    What are the practical effects of Microsoft abandoning remoting to the average programmer?  I hope to have more answers to these questions in the coming months.
Some extra reading on this subject can be found at

Thursday, July 22, 2004

and then it started...

So I've been reading various blogs for over a year now and I finally decided to start one myself.  I will attempt to post useful information here as well as point out those things I find useful and relevant to software architecture.  I will specifically try to focus on architecture for the real world. 

Over my career I have had little use for ivory tower architects who postulate theories from on high that have little use.  From this space I will attempt to drill into useful architecture and methods for getting things done now.

My theories in this regard are a metaphor for my life in general I think.  Early in my life I read a book "Surely your joking, Mr. Feynman" by Richard Feynman that left quite an impression on me.  It spoke of lab experiments at some Ivy League schools, one of which was impecably setup and clean but also which rarely yeilded useful data vs another that was barely held together by tape and glue but that was a wealth of knowledge.  The point of this was that some times you have to get your hands dirty to really get into the heart of a problem.  I believe this to be quite true as I believe architects who are only theorizing on perfect systems are ultimately out of touch with how those systems will be useful in the real world.  I will attempt to leverage my real world experience with architecture to help real world architects solve real world problems.