Thursday, July 22, 2004

and then it started...

So I've been reading various blogs for over a year now and I finally decided to start one myself.  I will attempt to post useful information here as well as point out those things I find useful and relevant to software architecture.  I will specifically try to focus on architecture for the real world. 

Over my career I have had little use for ivory tower architects who postulate theories from on high that have little use.  From this space I will attempt to drill into useful architecture and methods for getting things done now.

My theories in this regard are a metaphor for my life in general I think.  Early in my life I read a book "Surely your joking, Mr. Feynman" by Richard Feynman that left quite an impression on me.  It spoke of lab experiments at some Ivy League schools, one of which was impecably setup and clean but also which rarely yeilded useful data vs another that was barely held together by tape and glue but that was a wealth of knowledge.  The point of this was that some times you have to get your hands dirty to really get into the heart of a problem.  I believe this to be quite true as I believe architects who are only theorizing on perfect systems are ultimately out of touch with how those systems will be useful in the real world.  I will attempt to leverage my real world experience with architecture to help real world architects solve real world problems.

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