Sunday, April 26, 2009

SaaS design patterns

I've been working with SaaS architecture now for 5 years and I can say that there are several things that have stood out as working well and other things that have not worked so well. This next series of posts I intend to go over some of the design patterns that I've worked with and my thoughts on them.

I'm calling the series SaaS Enterprise Patterns and I'll be giving lectures on these as well.


PS said...

Hi Allen,
If I want to design the new SaaS architecture,I have following questions.

What should be the SaaS design considerations?
What are the drawbacks of current SaaS architectures that can be solved by new SaaS architecture?
Do we really need to think more thatn multitenant achitecture or we need to add more layers to multitenant architecture?

Allen said...

I haven't had time to finish up my articles (sorry). Multi tenant databases are almost inevitable with SaaS. The architecture extends beyond that though. Many actual SaaS implementations are four tier and up. Some may say that this borders on SOA but it does not.

The primary drawbacks to sass are that a client's data is not stored on his own servers. Other drawbacks include latency. Latency can be overcome with proper architecture though like making service calls chunky.